+254-41-2312190/1 info@mombasahospital.com

Radiology and Imaging Services

The Mombasa Hospital radiology and imaging department is manned by qualified and competent personnel. Using most modern and state of the art equipment, Radiologists, Radiographers and nurses are available on 24 hour basis to offer all radiological services available at the Hospital.

These include:
a) Normal and specialized X-rays
b) Ultrasound scans
c) Mammograms
d) CT scans
e) 3T MRI

 In addition to the normal X-ray equipment, our patients also have access to the following specialized radiological equipment:

a) Siemens Fluorospot – For specialized examinations such as barium studies, HSG’S, Urethrograms, Sinograms and all fluoroscopy related procedures e.g. digital subtraction angiography, etc. This is a high-end digital machine and the only one of its kind available in Mombasa.

 b) Siemens C-Arm – Based in our operating theatre, it is used to assist surgeons urological and pacemaker insertions in the theatre.

c) Siemens Acuson ultrasound – A unique ultrasound system capable of performing more than 30 different examinations with specialties ranging from radiology and general imaging to obstetric, gynaecology and paediatric imaging and features a complete range of transducers. 

d) Siemens Mammomat 300 – State of the art mammogram equipment.

e) Siemens Perspective CT scan – 128 slice – The Hospital has recently installed this unique and most modern CT scanner, the only one of its kind in Coast Province. It is capable of performing cardiac CT, brain perfusion, CT oncology, Angiography, CT colonoscopy, Neuro imaging, BMD, etc.  

 For more information please call our radiology department on telephone No. 254-41-2312190/1 EXT. 233 or through email: